The Tapestry of Light Project, Apocalypse for the 21st Century, a Metasenta Project, is in full swing - 2017 saw it it exhibited at the Brussels Cathedral accompanied by four specially composed musical scores for base clarinet and mezzo soprano, and performed at the opening of the Tapestry of Light in Brussels. From here the tapestry moved to Canterbury Cathedral, UK, where it was exhibited in the exquisite Chapter House for six weeks - 14,500 visitors came to see the 36 x 3.2 mt tapestry of the Apocalypse, which has been constructed from nano particle phosphorescent and specially dyed threads and woven at the Flanders Tapestry, home to the worlds finest contemporary lineage of Tapestry.. The Tapestry of Light is the one of the only known full cycles of the Apocalypse by a female artist. Emerita Professor Michelle.P. Brown is the curator of the Tapestry of Light. In 2019 the tapestry travels to Washington DC to be exhibited for a year at the recently built Museum of the Bible and then to travel to other parts of the globe.
If we were to take a 'global audit' of drawings now from all countries, what would we see?
"Crossing Lines: Global Drawing" launches the new world wide Metasenta® Project for young and emerging artists, including work from two curating artists per venue. The first venue for six of the participating art schools/Universities is the SACI , in Florence, Italy from the 6th November 2015
The Metasenta® Project, A Global Audit : Drawing Everywhere ©, commenced in 2007 in conversations and plans between Professor Stephen Farthing RA, Rootstein Hopkins Chair of Drawing at the University of Arts London, and Dr Irene Barberis of RMIT University, and Founding Director of the Metasenta® International Research Satellite, and the Global Centre for Drawing. An ‘audit’ was made of most Art Schools and Universities in the world, and a list drawn up. Now seven years later all locations are in the process participate in the Metasenta® Global Drawing Audit, 2015 – 2020 ©’. The first groups are being exhibited at the Satchi Institute, Florence Italy from 6.11.2015 till 22.12.2015 ©
‘‘Crossing Lines: Global Drawings’, Exhibition #1 A Global Audit: Drawing Everywhere ©’
Every day most of us traverse the world via the web. Our lines of demarcation have transformed particularly over the past ten years from domestic inhabitants in real space, to virtual ‘world travellers’; even in the remotest parts of all our countries the mobile phone and internet opens the doors of new realities for us. At some point all our senses have been used for accessing peculiarities of our location, (…light, touch, smell, taste, sound…), but at this time we have an enhanced sensory experience only of the visual and audible, a full experience of virtual reality is still limited. On saying this we are however are able to zoom so far into a site that one can, for instance see the reflection on a dewdrop on a giant lizard’s scale, or zoom out into the cosmos to an array of deep space fields, or even watch the REM movements of the human eye and the burst of neurons in the brain which follows them. We can project our rooms and environment into another’s location, draw in real space or virtual space with the ease and fluidity reserved a couple of years ago to si-fi realities; we cross boundaries. For students and emerging artists informed thinking, process and unlimited possibility of drawing everything everywhere in any context is a reality, only constrained by one’s political and economic conditions.
Inaugural participating art schools: RMIT University (Australia), The American University in Dubai (UAE), Sao Paulo University (Marcelo if you could correct this) (Brazil), Satchi Institute (Italy), HKA, HKBU, ( Hong Kong, China). (TBC)
Dr Irene Barberis
Founder and Director: Metasenta®, Global Centre for Drawing (GCfD)